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Account of my journeys on the P line between Meaux and Paris
digital sketch with traditional finish.
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Relax, take a herbal tea, I will answer your questions...
What is the technique used to make your works?
I mix digital and traditional, let's call this technique: DIGI-TRADI.
I draw on my smartphone with the S-PEN, then I print in A4 format and I finish it in the traditional way.
Why not do it the traditional way?
I think that the mixture of traditional and digital is representative of the modernity of the 21st century, which is situated in a tension between the desire to return to the traditions of yesteryear and the desire to go beyond them. It also represents this era of the “man in a hurry”. I hope to continue like this.
What is the purpose of your works?
I wanted to make a drawn account of this global pandemic, dehumanized faces, a mechanical and isolated life.
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